Norton 360 kokemuksia (2024): Onko se hyvä virustorjunta?

Sijalla 1 kaikkiaan 71: sta virustorjuntayhtiöstä
Sijalla 1 kaikkiaan 71: sta virustorjuntayhtiöstä
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein Päätoimittaja
Faktat tarkistanut Katarina Glamoslija
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein
Julkaistu: 12. kesäkuussa 2024 Päätoimittaja
Faktat tarkistanut Katarina Glamoslija

Norton arvostelu: Asiantuntijan tiivistelmä

Valitettavasti tämä virustorjunta ei ole vielä saanut arvosteluja. Jos haluat jakaa oman näkemyksesi tuotteesta, voit kirjoittaa ajatuksesi tähän alapuolelle. Pyrimme tuottamaan yksityiskohtaisen Norton-arvostelun mahdollisimman pian, mutta sillä välin voit katsoa läpi vuoden 2024 parhaat virustorjunnat, kuten esimerkiksi Norton tai Bitdefender. Olemme myös koonneet kaikki testeissämme menestyneet virustorjunnat tänne.

Norton Tuotteet & hinnoittelu

AntiVirus Plus
19,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
360 Deluxe
29,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
360 with LifeLock Select
69,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
*Ensimmäinen vuosi, ehtoja sovelletaan
Tällä sivustolla julkaistut listaukset ovat peräisin yhtiöiltä, joilta sivustomme saa palkkioita, ja jotkin ovat myös meidän emoyhtiömme omistamia. Nämä seikat vaikuttavat julkaistujen listausten järjestykseen ja ilmaisutapaan. 
Lue lisää
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein


Eric Goldstein työskentelee SafetyDetectivesin vastaavana päätoimittajana. Vanhana tietoturva-asiantuntijana ja IT-toimittajana hänellä on vuosien kokemus VPN-palveluihin, virustorjuntaan, salasanaohjelmiin, lapsilukkoihin ja identiteettisuojaan liittyvien artikkeleiden kirjoittamisesta. Lisäksi Eric kirjoittaa tietoturvauutisia SafetyDetectivesin julkaisuihin. Hänellä on myös usean vuosikymmenen kokemus urheilutoimittajuudesta sekä liike-elämästä. Vapaa-ajallaan Eric viettää aikaa perheensä kanssa, kuntoilee ja katsoo suosikkijoukkueidensa pelejä.
Katso parhaimmat 3 vaihtoehtoiset antivirukset
Lue arvostelu
Lue arvostelu
Lue arvostelu
Norton Käyttäjäarviot

*Käyttökokemuksia ei ole tarkistettu

190 199
Perustuen 389 arvostelut kielellä 28 kielet 6.0
Käyttäjiemme luottamus on meille ykkösasia! Antivirus-yritykset eivät pysty maksamalla muuttamaan tai poistamaan arvosteluja.
no support
Windows Käyttäjä
Daughter is going to school in Sweden and her account was accidentally disactivated. This was paid for in advance and they said because she is now at school in Sweden they will not reactivate. They said that she would have to travel back to the US or buy another seat They want her to buy it again. Ripoff. We purchased 10 seats and still have 2 to use.They want her to repurchase it with (wow) a 25 percent discount so big of them
David Carpenter
David Carpenter
Norton Quick Scan stopped Working
Windows Käyttäjä
I have been trying for 1+months to get Norton to fix Issue with running scans on my computer, to no avail. THe tech support available 24/7 seems to operate only from a standard script of fixes, and does not deviate. To date, I have wasted 24+ hours trying to get Norton to fix the issue with running Quick Scan or Full System scan. Even their supposed level 2 technicians cannot seem to recommend anything but uninstall / re-install (I have done this with tech support at least 5 times, with no success). I am getting ready to bad Norton Security Premium for a program that will actually work.
Romie Miller
Romie Miller
Malware blind
Windows Käyttäjä
Despite what Norton claims, it doesn't see malware. I was shut out of my computer by malware and Norton said I was safe with no problems. I now have Norton plus Malwarebyte, which finds problem Norton doesn't see. I also have serious billing problems with Norton.
They make it difficult to remove
Mac Käyttäjä
When I changed Internet Service Providers, my free Norton antivirus software was canceled. I received pop up reminders from Norton trying to get me to pay for continued service. There was no obvious way to stop these reminders from appearing. It turns out one has to install and run special software to remove all the files on your computer that support their product. It took me over an hour and having a Norton agent log on remotely to get the programs removed. I guess they must think that by making it hard to remove the program some people will just sign up to pay for the service to stop the notices. In my case that strategy did not work. I just became more annoyed and frustrated at the difficulty and time needed to remove it. As a re...Näytä enemmän
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OrdinaryGeek Chad
I had the same experience with Bitdefender! Not only do they make it difficult to remove, but they also make it difficult to disable the auto-renew feature. They post instructions on their site, but the instructions are wrong, and...Näytä enemmän
David Sparke
David Sparke
Rip off merchants
Windows Käyttäjä
I don't know what planet many of these reviewers are on (employees perhaps ?) but Norton is TERRIBLE. Why ? Subscriptions and Autorenewal. They love you when you sign up, and throw up every barrier imaginable when you want to leave. Subscription management is a nightmare. (defaults to charge you every year, and subscription renewal is several times more expensive than the first year purchase of the product, and you just try to change it). My elderly parents have just been charged twice for a product they don't want or use, and trying to sort this very simple problem out is just awful - just google Norton unsubscribe review and see what it returns - I don't care how good their product is or isn't - switching the thing off, and getting their hands out of your pockets is a nightmare....
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brian David Sparke
You think that is bad , I was with MacAfee getting out and a refund on my 2 year subscription after my annual payment had been scammed and paid 4 TIMES was a nightmare, seems to me they are all the same.
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Joey David Sparke
Idk what youre talking about.
Mine subscription was defaulted to mostly.
And all you gave to do I'd tap into cancel subscription.
They constantly try to upsell you.
Windows Käyttäjä
Sick of the attempts to sell me more. It's annoying. Leaving Norton after many years because of this.
Norton is the best
Windows Käyttäjä
Norton is the best there is in modern antivirus and antispam.
I am very satisfied with this anti-virus
Windows Käyttäjä
I am very satisfied with this anti-virus. It offers good protection on all types of devices (PC/tablets/smartphone). The price/quality ratio is huge, especially since there are regular promotions. The website is clear and easy to navigate. I highly recommend it.
I recommend it
Windows Käyttäjä
It is excellent for any PC because it eliminates all the files that are hidden and slow the computer down. I recommend it.
I loves me some Norton
Linux Käyttäjä
Norton is a truly delightful product to use. I got it installed in just a few minutes and it tells me that it's quarantined a different virus every few weeks. Certainly something I would recommend.
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