Norton 360 kokemuksia (2024): Onko se hyvä virustorjunta?

Sijalla 1 kaikkiaan 71: sta virustorjuntayhtiöstä
Sijalla 1 kaikkiaan 71: sta virustorjuntayhtiöstä
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein Päätoimittaja
Faktat tarkistanut Katarina Glamoslija
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein
Julkaistu: 12. kesäkuussa 2024 Päätoimittaja
Faktat tarkistanut Katarina Glamoslija

Norton arvostelu: Asiantuntijan tiivistelmä

Valitettavasti tämä virustorjunta ei ole vielä saanut arvosteluja. Jos haluat jakaa oman näkemyksesi tuotteesta, voit kirjoittaa ajatuksesi tähän alapuolelle. Pyrimme tuottamaan yksityiskohtaisen Norton-arvostelun mahdollisimman pian, mutta sillä välin voit katsoa läpi vuoden 2024 parhaat virustorjunnat, kuten esimerkiksi Norton tai Bitdefender. Olemme myös koonneet kaikki testeissämme menestyneet virustorjunnat tänne.

Norton Tuotteet & hinnoittelu

AntiVirus Plus
29,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
360 Deluxe
49,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
360 with LifeLock Select
99,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
*Ensimmäinen vuosi, ehtoja sovelletaan
Tällä sivustolla julkaistut listaukset ovat peräisin yhtiöiltä, joilta sivustomme saa palkkioita, ja jotkin ovat myös meidän emoyhtiömme omistamia. Nämä seikat vaikuttavat julkaistujen listausten järjestykseen ja ilmaisutapaan. 
Lue lisää
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein


Eric Goldstein työskentelee SafetyDetectivesin vastaavana päätoimittajana. Vanhana tietoturva-asiantuntijana ja IT-toimittajana hänellä on vuosien kokemus VPN-palveluihin, virustorjuntaan, salasanaohjelmiin, lapsilukkoihin ja identiteettisuojaan liittyvien artikkeleiden kirjoittamisesta. Lisäksi Eric kirjoittaa tietoturvauutisia SafetyDetectivesin julkaisuihin. Hänellä on myös usean vuosikymmenen kokemus urheilutoimittajuudesta sekä liike-elämästä. Vapaa-ajallaan Eric viettää aikaa perheensä kanssa, kuntoilee ja katsoo suosikkijoukkueidensa pelejä.
Katso parhaimmat 3 vaihtoehtoiset antivirukset
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Lue arvostelu
Lue arvostelu
Norton Käyttäjäarviot

*Käyttökokemuksia ei ole tarkistettu

190 199
Perustuen 389 arvostelut kielellä 28 kielet 6.0
Käyttäjiemme luottamus on meille ykkösasia! Antivirus-yritykset eivät pysty maksamalla muuttamaan tai poistamaan arvosteluja.
Jesse D Wilson
Jesse D Wilson
NORTON's Ripoff
Windows Käyttäjä
Someone was trying to rob my checking and credit card accounts. The bank notified me and prevented it. NORTON did nothing. Then when I was paying a credit card bills I got alerts from NORTON. Now NORTON is trying to trick me to pay for a subscription for 10 stations when I only need one. I think NORTON is a scamming operation no better than those who they are suppose to protect us from.
Windows Käyttäjä
I had identity theft added this past week. I have been a Norton customer for 10 years. I have had Norton's password manager on my mobile phone for at least this long. When the ID theft was added, Norton wiped 10 years of passwords after this occurred, and I have spent at least 3 hours on hold to no avail. I was offered to have a Tier 2 support person call me back. I came home 2 days early from my family weekend because I was told I would get a call on Sunday 9/4/22 at 1000 - no call. I thought maybe they got the day wrong, so I waited today on Monday 09/05/2022 at 1000 - NO CALL. I had to call and start the process all over again for Sedevikho Kera (Tier 2) to tell me that unless I knew the password to the existing vault (as he was remoted ...Näytä enemmän
Why can't Norton prevent McAffe scam popups?
Windows Käyttäjä
I've been using Norton since 2011. I run the scans daily. I do question how reliable it is. With their new interface, the scam McAfee popup started up again. How is it that they can't see this as a problem? Shouldn't they be able to detect and remove it?
NOT the best
Windows Käyttäjä
When I was locked out of my own online Norton account for almost 6 months, I started to have doubts.

As noted, it strangles bandwidth.
Cannot access any site on Google Ads.
Cannot access my bank or my supermarket (last time, I had to not only turn off the VPN, but reboot my router too).

Security :
Does not deal with Browser Hijackers - I have a hijacker right now in Firefox. Norton 360 blocked the redirect, because the destination page was on it's banned list, but does not deal with the actual hijacker. After a Firefox update today, the redirect isn't blocked anymore. Will have to reinstall Firefox.
They just keep advertising their "Extras" at extra cost, really annoying.
Windows Käyttäjä
Bought Nortons 360, the old versions had Utilities that fixed your system. Now they just give you the basics and try and on sell you the other parts that used to come with the original purchase. Unethical and really annoying having the pop up ads all the time. And be careful of the Automatic Renewal that just takes your money with no warning.
Windows Käyttäjä
I use Norton 360 Premium. Aside from the odd dual UI (Norton 360 and My Norton), I was more or less OK with the product until c. two weeks ago the VPN started causing problems. Norton community forum on the issue clearly show the problem is widespread. I understand Norton may need some time to identify and fix the VPN issue but why the silence? What bothers me is I did not get any acknowledgement to my communications to Norton but, adding insult to injury, I still receive pop-ups for various new add-ons and services. I am not interested in a company that cannot be bothered to communicate and appears to consider subscribers irrelevant. I am human, not a robot, so have cancelled my subscription.
Satisfactory For Me
Android Käyttäjä
I have seven devices using this product , and find it very effective , intuitive , and functional .
I can control all aspects of my family's protection , backups , etc .
I find it very good indeed .
a ramos
a ramos
Beginning to be a pain in the a--!
Windows Käyttäjä
I have had norton 360 for 2 years now. But now they want to update my programs, collude with google and who knows what else. They are always trying to add bs that costs more money. All I need is for them to protect my computer. Thats what I paid for and I dont need anything else. I will probably lose money on the protection because I will switch asap. norton is a pain.
Very annoying
Windows Käyttäjä
It constantly nags me to upgrade to Ultimate which costs twice as much as I paid for 360. All sorts of add-ons suggested every time I reboot. Secure VPN blocks links to anything referred to by Google Ad Services.
It's all round far more intrusive than McAfee which I had previously, I won't be renewing.
Love it
iOS Käyttäjä
I’m not tech savy but find my Norton 360 Deluxe to be quite user friendly after eventually not feeling overwhelmed by all the options. I have not had to call customer service, but their email communications making sure I know all the features is excellent, as is the background checks while my desktop is on. I cover a desktop, 2 cellphones, and an iPad. The password safe is easy, but keep it in two devices just in case one fails.
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