Norton 360 kokemuksia (2024): Onko se hyvä virustorjunta?

Sijalla 1 kaikkiaan 71: sta virustorjuntayhtiöstä
Sijalla 1 kaikkiaan 71: sta virustorjuntayhtiöstä
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein Päätoimittaja
Faktat tarkistanut Katarina Glamoslija
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein
Julkaistu: 12. kesäkuussa 2024 Päätoimittaja
Faktat tarkistanut Katarina Glamoslija

Norton arvostelu: Asiantuntijan tiivistelmä

Valitettavasti tämä virustorjunta ei ole vielä saanut arvosteluja. Jos haluat jakaa oman näkemyksesi tuotteesta, voit kirjoittaa ajatuksesi tähän alapuolelle. Pyrimme tuottamaan yksityiskohtaisen Norton-arvostelun mahdollisimman pian, mutta sillä välin voit katsoa läpi vuoden 2024 parhaat virustorjunnat, kuten esimerkiksi Norton tai Bitdefender. Olemme myös koonneet kaikki testeissämme menestyneet virustorjunnat tänne.

Norton Tuotteet & hinnoittelu

AntiVirus Plus
19,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
360 Deluxe
29,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
360 with LifeLock Select
69,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
*Ensimmäinen vuosi, ehtoja sovelletaan
Tällä sivustolla julkaistut listaukset ovat peräisin yhtiöiltä, joilta sivustomme saa palkkioita, ja jotkin ovat myös meidän emoyhtiömme omistamia. Nämä seikat vaikuttavat julkaistujen listausten järjestykseen ja ilmaisutapaan. 
Lue lisää
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein


Eric Goldstein työskentelee SafetyDetectivesin vastaavana päätoimittajana. Vanhana tietoturva-asiantuntijana ja IT-toimittajana hänellä on vuosien kokemus VPN-palveluihin, virustorjuntaan, salasanaohjelmiin, lapsilukkoihin ja identiteettisuojaan liittyvien artikkeleiden kirjoittamisesta. Lisäksi Eric kirjoittaa tietoturvauutisia SafetyDetectivesin julkaisuihin. Hänellä on myös usean vuosikymmenen kokemus urheilutoimittajuudesta sekä liike-elämästä. Vapaa-ajallaan Eric viettää aikaa perheensä kanssa, kuntoilee ja katsoo suosikkijoukkueidensa pelejä.
Katso parhaimmat 3 vaihtoehtoiset antivirukset
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Norton Käyttäjäarviot

*Käyttökokemuksia ei ole tarkistettu

190 199
Perustuen 389 arvostelut kielellä 28 kielet 6.0
Käyttäjiemme luottamus on meille ykkösasia! Antivirus-yritykset eivät pysty maksamalla muuttamaan tai poistamaan arvosteluja.
Android Käyttäjä
A. Reptile company would never have the business plan that they use. You could have an annual 360 antivirus program and when renewable time comes without asking you, they'll add on everything they had to offer. So from 100 to 250 automatically with no communication was here, they add programs on without your permission. I have to admit they're very good at taking it off false charges and they do that very quickly cuz they know their cheats and that cannot be trusted. How can you do business with a company does exactly what they tell you. They're going to prevent from someone else. I'm sorry they had the worst business plan I've ever seen. Cheat the customer cuz they're easiest to fool and they already have access to your credit card.
Georgia S Mickey
Georgia S Mickey
Do not Purchase
Mac Käyttäjä
I just received 3 different emails telling me that my membership has been renewed. The first one stated that I will be charged $318.00. The second invoice charged me $270.00 and the third one was for $555.00. The phone numbers are useless. I talked for one person for about 2 minutes and was cut off. My other calls never connected. The phone was answered and then cut off thus getting me nowhere. A return email for each invoice came back stating that the email account had been disabled. Each invoice was sent by a different email address however al of them were disabled. A TOTAL SCAM.
get rid of auto-billing
Windows Käyttäjä
So not a positive thing, going in circles trying to clear up an issue with Norton and credit account. I finally had to cancel both credit and Norton to get rid of the reoccurring payment/charges. I still had an active account that showed past due/inactive and active at the same time.
Norton VPN issue is consistent
Windows Käyttäjä
Norton is a good but there are several issues with the Norton like Norton VPN not working.
Great product. Excessive ads even with a Deluxe subscription.
Windows Käyttäjä
I purchased Norton 360 Deluxe with Lifelock a little over a year ago. As far as it's protection, it is a great product. Though I do have a big issue with their service, this is their constant ads.
I was getting multiple popups each day about upgrading to the Select package $149.99/year. I paid for the second most expensive product ($104.99/year) and it suits my needs, I don't need to be reminded of their select or other "Premium" or "Ultimate" options to "Upgrade" what I have paid for. I turned off my popups in windows so it stops notifying me but that is an annoyance on a paid product to be loaded with ads.
Now they want me to use my computer's idle time for money. Well if they just had 1 banner ad and then let me close out that, it woul...Näytä enemmän
J. John
J. John
VERY Unethical company
Windows Käyttäjä
If I could give them NO stars I would. Had heard so many great things about Norton thought I'd give it a try. Installed the free trial they offered. It would not work. Could not get it to even open. Kept getting messages that it could not "connect". Uninstalled and re-installed it after making sure all remnants of previous install was removed. It still would do NOTHING. Sat on phone...WAITING for HELP....for several hours and during several attempts for help. NO ONE answered. No response to multiple emails. Finally removed it from my system. That was 2 1/2 year ago. I have received thousands of email from money making spammers AROUND THE WORLD, yes thousands! that I have retained, telling me my subscription with Norton is about to expire or...Näytä enemmän
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Denis Desautels J. John
I too, had a very bad experience with Norton 360 with LifeLock. The first problem is that you have to manually turn the VPN on. This is ridiculous. Second problem is you cannot change your phone number. They have to cancel your ac...Näytä enemmän
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Lydia Denis Desautels
I had identity theft added this past week. I have been a Norton customer for 10 years. I have had Norton's password manager on my mobile phone for at least this long. When the ID theft was added, Norton wiped 10 years of passwords...Näytä enemmän
Lousy Product - Norton 360 Premium
Windows Käyttäjä
For starters I have had difficulty installing Norton 360 Premium. After 2 tel calls to Norton lasting many hours , I manage to install it. Then came other problems. Have a BSOD , which I havent had in10 years. Luckily was able to recover to Windows thro system restore. Recently got another BSOD which is unrecoverable. Have to re-install Windows 10 Professional. Now losing confidence in Norton products and that is why at this website to asses whether to continue with Norton. It is quite to get a refund because I bought it at retail outlet.
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Sangram James
I think the most underrated antivirus in the Current market is Quickheal antivirus, I was comparing a few antiviruses for myself and found everyone suggesting Norton based on their Cloud Storage feature or Vpn feature but what we ...Näytä enemmän
norton antivirus downgrade
Windows Käyttäjä
Be carefull with the Credit Card automatic renewal button, That reminder renewal number ( from 365 to time to renew will disappear, and just say active, so beware of renewal end date for one, second they give you Norton utilities if you have automatic renewal for free, but if you cancel automatic renewal option, Norton utilities will cancel automatically, ( then the next time I turned my computer on, I was locked out from windows. I went to the geek squad at best buy, and they said my computer was riddled with viruses, the very thing I hired Norton to protect me from, Now I'm back peddling with a $ 250.00 bill and a new antivirus company, This is just a heads up through frustration, take it any way you want. thank-you for reading this.
Mohammed E.
Mohammed E.
Not that bad
Windows Käyttäjä
Actually, i bought norton deluxe 360 and only thing is ui is horrible! Then i realized that ui can changed to normal ui. There's only 2 themes and one is super bad. After changing to old ui, norton wasnt that bad. It blocked viruses from opening. Better than free avs, malwarebytes etc free and its super cheap only 11 dollars for Turkey.
Ron Levine
Ron Levine
Bank Fraud
Windows Käyttäjä
No, Norton didn't stop it..... they committed it. I upgraded to the "lifelock" thing, and just found out.... they have been taking out over $$400/year in at least 3 different smaller payments, all referencing my FIRST auto withdrawal agreement of the $99/yr subscription years ago.... and, oh, they will not let you speak to a supervisor.....pretended to have one on the line, but when I said I had the bank and wanted a conference call, Norton end hung up! My bank and Paypal are with me and helping.... I have taken it the next step to wire fraud (FBI) and credit card fraud (Secret Service)...NORTON LIFELOCK IS STEALING MY BANK NOT PROTECTING IT!!!!
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