Norton 360 kokemuksia (2024): Onko se hyvä virustorjunta?

Sijalla 1 kaikkiaan 71: sta virustorjuntayhtiöstä
Sijalla 1 kaikkiaan 71: sta virustorjuntayhtiöstä
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein Päätoimittaja
Faktat tarkistanut Katarina Glamoslija
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein
Julkaistu: 12. kesäkuussa 2024 Päätoimittaja
Faktat tarkistanut Katarina Glamoslija

Norton arvostelu: Asiantuntijan tiivistelmä

Valitettavasti tämä virustorjunta ei ole vielä saanut arvosteluja. Jos haluat jakaa oman näkemyksesi tuotteesta, voit kirjoittaa ajatuksesi tähän alapuolelle. Pyrimme tuottamaan yksityiskohtaisen Norton-arvostelun mahdollisimman pian, mutta sillä välin voit katsoa läpi vuoden 2024 parhaat virustorjunnat, kuten esimerkiksi Norton tai Bitdefender. Olemme myös koonneet kaikki testeissämme menestyneet virustorjunnat tänne.

Norton Tuotteet & hinnoittelu

AntiVirus Plus
19,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
360 Deluxe
29,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
360 with LifeLock Select
69,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
*Ensimmäinen vuosi, ehtoja sovelletaan
Tällä sivustolla julkaistut listaukset ovat peräisin yhtiöiltä, joilta sivustomme saa palkkioita, ja jotkin ovat myös meidän emoyhtiömme omistamia. Nämä seikat vaikuttavat julkaistujen listausten järjestykseen ja ilmaisutapaan. 
Lue lisää
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein


Eric Goldstein työskentelee SafetyDetectivesin vastaavana päätoimittajana. Vanhana tietoturva-asiantuntijana ja IT-toimittajana hänellä on vuosien kokemus VPN-palveluihin, virustorjuntaan, salasanaohjelmiin, lapsilukkoihin ja identiteettisuojaan liittyvien artikkeleiden kirjoittamisesta. Lisäksi Eric kirjoittaa tietoturvauutisia SafetyDetectivesin julkaisuihin. Hänellä on myös usean vuosikymmenen kokemus urheilutoimittajuudesta sekä liike-elämästä. Vapaa-ajallaan Eric viettää aikaa perheensä kanssa, kuntoilee ja katsoo suosikkijoukkueidensa pelejä.
Katso parhaimmat 3 vaihtoehtoiset antivirukset
Lue arvostelu
Lue arvostelu
Lue arvostelu
Norton Käyttäjäarviot

*Käyttökokemuksia ei ole tarkistettu

190 199
Perustuen 389 arvostelut kielellä 28 kielet 6.0
Käyttäjiemme luottamus on meille ykkösasia! Antivirus-yritykset eivät pysty maksamalla muuttamaan tai poistamaan arvosteluja.
We'll see
Windows Käyttäjä
I've been using Norton products for 20 years. Now that Norton has acquired Lifelock, things are starting to change. I've seen lots more sales pitches to buy this or that and protect against this or that. Now I'm getting ransomware pitches. Is there nothing these companies won't do to drive up their costs and charge the consumer for? We have had two instances of our computers being taken over. In each instance I shut the computer down and did a reboot offline. Each time it got rid of the problem. Norton did nothing the stop or clean up the program. Now they want me to buy ransomware protection. I've really got nothing to ransom.
Nobody Special
Nobody Special
Not the Norton of just 1 year ago, badly failing on almost every level.
Windows Käyttäjä
I used Norton on over 12 devices for the past 6 years and up until recently (the Lifelock merger) was very happy with all aspects of the company. However they recently (12 months or so) made drastic changes.

For example:

#1 No more telephone support number listed on website. I had to search google to find it and it took several phone calls to get to someone who know what they were doing. This never happened before. Their telephone support was the #1 reason I kept with Norton all these years. It was stellar. Not so anymore.

#2. Chat support is very bad now. Same issues. Hard to get in a chat, ignorant people, terrible attitudes. They don't want to actually answer questions, they just want remote access to your computer to "fix" ...Näytä enemmän
Hasan Ayham
Hasan Ayham
Bitdefender vs Norton (why is norton better
Windows Käyttäjä
so I don't get why norton is better than bitdefender .Bitdefender's Advanced threat SONAR protection is much better than norton's and their signatures are faster are more precise.
It is better than norton in terms of both Protection and performance
Renee K Stewart
Renee K Stewart
Not OK with me
iOS Käyttäjä
They auto renewed and took my money 1 month and 2 days before my actual expiration date !!! Is that even legal ? Spent 30 minutes on hold and still didn’t get anyone to speak to. Bye bye Norton. Zero stars
John Deere
John Deere
Not Impressed
Windows Käyttäjä
Cannot connect to the Norton server .I have tried everything ..reinstall,restart,changed browsers and I still could not connect to the Norton server to activate my paid licence key. Apparently Im one of thousands with the same problem .. Its useless and a waste of time and money
hasan ayham ammoura
hasan ayham ammoura
norton is very terrible
Windows Käyttäjä
norton does not have a good detection rate compared to Kaspersky Security Cloud Mcafee Total Prtotection ,
Bitdefender Premium Premier Imperial Ultimate Security 2020 Security Headquarter Surveilince 2020.
Their headquarter in romania ,switzerland is better
Not recommended anymore...
Windows Käyttäjä
I have used Norton for about 20 years and really rated it highly - not anymore. I was upgraded to Norton 360 Deluxe without my permission recently during a Live Update. I do not want Norton 360 Deluxe. Norton Anti Virus Plus would suit me far better as I have 1 PC, but of course it is less money. I rang support & the rigmarole you have to go through to downgrade is a pain. I am seriously thinking of removing Norton from my computer and using Windows 10 Security while I decide which Anti Virus programme I would like. Their Auto-Renewal system is also a pain & takes ages to switch it off. Just a money-making company now.
Not what is advertised
Windows Käyttäjä
I purchased Norton 360 here in 2020 for my gaming computer. Since i installed it i have been hit with a relentless barrage of Pop-ups about my webcam being accessed from Discord. I was aware of the use but every 5 seconds i got the same popup blocking parts of my screen at the worst times. I looked on line in how to solve this but when I go to settings like they say I only have an option to take a tour or change between Classic and My Norton appearances. No other option is there for any setting, its even missing the admin setting option. This is getting very frustrating because there seems to be no way to stop Norton from stalking me with unnecessary pop-ups.
Robin Jonson
Robin Jonson
No Monthly Readout ?
Android Käyttäjä
I Joined with automatic payments
Thinking i would get a readout or something from Norton, but No emails or Anything!
Bill Summers
Bill Summers
Norton Has Proven Itself
Windows Käyttäjä
Many years of Kasperski Anti-Virus, I still had to run to the local geek services every 6 months to have them salvage my files or restore with a back-up. Since I switched to Norton it's been smooth sailing for almost 3 years now. I don't care for the Search Engine feature, love the Password Vault service. Overall Excellent!
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0.0/ 10.0
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