Norton 360 kokemuksia (2024): Onko se hyvä virustorjunta?

Sijalla 1 kaikkiaan 71: sta virustorjuntayhtiöstä
Sijalla 1 kaikkiaan 71: sta virustorjuntayhtiöstä
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein Päätoimittaja
Faktat tarkistanut Katarina Glamoslija
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein
Julkaistu: 12. kesäkuussa 2024 Päätoimittaja
Faktat tarkistanut Katarina Glamoslija

Norton arvostelu: Asiantuntijan tiivistelmä

Valitettavasti tämä virustorjunta ei ole vielä saanut arvosteluja. Jos haluat jakaa oman näkemyksesi tuotteesta, voit kirjoittaa ajatuksesi tähän alapuolelle. Pyrimme tuottamaan yksityiskohtaisen Norton-arvostelun mahdollisimman pian, mutta sillä välin voit katsoa läpi vuoden 2024 parhaat virustorjunnat, kuten esimerkiksi Norton tai Bitdefender. Olemme myös koonneet kaikki testeissämme menestyneet virustorjunnat tänne.

Norton Tuotteet & hinnoittelu

AntiVirus Plus
19,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
360 Deluxe
29,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
360 with LifeLock Select
69,99 $* / vuosi
Maksuton kokeilujakso
*Ensimmäinen vuosi, ehtoja sovelletaan
Tällä sivustolla julkaistut listaukset ovat peräisin yhtiöiltä, joilta sivustomme saa palkkioita, ja jotkin ovat myös meidän emoyhtiömme omistamia. Nämä seikat vaikuttavat julkaistujen listausten järjestykseen ja ilmaisutapaan. 
Lue lisää
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein


Eric Goldstein työskentelee SafetyDetectivesin vastaavana päätoimittajana. Vanhana tietoturva-asiantuntijana ja IT-toimittajana hänellä on vuosien kokemus VPN-palveluihin, virustorjuntaan, salasanaohjelmiin, lapsilukkoihin ja identiteettisuojaan liittyvien artikkeleiden kirjoittamisesta. Lisäksi Eric kirjoittaa tietoturvauutisia SafetyDetectivesin julkaisuihin. Hänellä on myös usean vuosikymmenen kokemus urheilutoimittajuudesta sekä liike-elämästä. Vapaa-ajallaan Eric viettää aikaa perheensä kanssa, kuntoilee ja katsoo suosikkijoukkueidensa pelejä.
Katso parhaimmat 3 vaihtoehtoiset antivirukset
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Norton Käyttäjäarviot

*Käyttökokemuksia ei ole tarkistettu

190 199
Perustuen 389 arvostelut kielellä 28 kielet 6.0
Käyttäjiemme luottamus on meille ykkösasia! Antivirus-yritykset eivät pysty maksamalla muuttamaan tai poistamaan arvosteluja.
Norton Hijacks my browser and their service sucks!
Windows Käyttäjä
Norton Hijacks my browser. I will just be doing my own thing with my computer and suddenly they open a new tab leading me to own of their web pages to sell another product or service. It is a highly invasive and despicable marketing tactic that has completely undermined what I trusted them to do! Then when you go to their site the have forms to fill out just to get a phone number.
no no
Windows Käyttäjä
very dissapointing. voucher doesn't work and can't delete my email account. won't recommend
anthony genth
anthony genth
Dreadful company
Mac Käyttäjä
I am 75 years old and the experience that I have had with Norton is the worst experience i have EVER had with any company in my life!! Why would i trust my security to as company that is so messed up and that does not tell it's customers the truth. Watch out this is just a money making machine.
Not happy.
Not happy.
Lost me for good after nearly 10 yrs of using Norton.
Windows Käyttäjä
Went to renew subscription via store bought product, norton refuses to activate without forcing an advance renewal for the coming 12 mth period by credit card. I would be happy to continue using the product, but, I flatly refuse to be dictated to as to when and how I will renew a subcription. Considering I had already paid for a 12mth subscription, it's just a blatant rip off to try and coerce a future payment by not activating the product code until their ridiculous demand is met. I have 8 days left on the current subscription, and then I'll uninstall all Norton products and go with McAfee.
Ione Fine
Ione Fine
Norton Family
Windows Käyttäjä
Worst software ever (I'm not the only one 1.5 stars on the app store). Basically wasted 2 days of my life trying to get it to work. I failed - and I'm a computer scientist. Don't buy it.
Don’t even think about it
iOS Käyttäjä
I made the mistake of buying it and it crashed my computer and erased my disks. Then they had the gall to ask if I was sure I wanted a refund which they refuse to give me. Erasing the disks was purposefully and I reported it to state and federal Attorney generals. I lost years of backup files and music
terrible overpriced fraudulent billing
Windows Käyttäjä
Program causes repeated interruptions in computing. Viruses missed. And the billing department will continue to charge your credit card after discontinuing service. You end up wasting time getting a refund which never gets replaced on your credit card. Followed by having to call you credit card company to dispute charges.
Norton 2020 SUCKS!!
Windows Käyttäjä
I have been using Norton for over 20 years and the 2020 version absolutely blows!
I renewed a 10 device subscription and it will not let me apply the new subscription to my existing devices. I need to re-install the software and some devices are for my kids who live far away. WTF Norton. Their support is not responding to my messages when I try to contact them.
Author Unknown
Author Unknown
Windows Käyttäjä
I just found out that they are a bunch of thieves... I stated working for my company back in 2014. The person before me I am guessing approved buying this software and had it on an annual auto-renew, Norton had her credit card number. After I started working here we had cancelled her credit card and then I was assigned a new card. Apparently Norton scoped out my credit card number somehow and continued to charge my card every year. When I had cancelled my card and was assigned a new one with a new number, expiration and CVV code (my card had been compromised a few times so we had to cancel and get me new cards), somehow Norton was able to retrieve my new card numbers... EVERY TIME!!! I, nor my IT guy had ordered this program. When I called ...Näytä enemmän
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Cyn Puente Author Unknown
They asked me for my new card number so that my subscription could be renewed. Norton has worked great for us.
Too easy to subscribe, too difficult to unsubscribe
Windows Käyttäjä
I was completely unaware that I even downloaded this program and subscribed to it. It was only when I saw it pop up onto my screen saying my computer is safe. I already had anti-virus and anti-malware on my computer so, whether or not Norton was a great program for information security, software security, internet security, or computer security, I didn't need it. So when I tried to figure out how to unsubscribe, I was lead through a series of loops just to find out the entire scheme was a loop of searching for a way to unsubscribe from the program. Norton didn't cost me anything (yet), but I don't need it or want it, and they have certainly made it quite difficult to get rid of their program from your computer in general on your own, let al...Näytä enemmän
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